Emerging Exporters Program Information Session - Chinchilla

7:30am Tuesday, 22 March 2022
8:30am Tuesday, 22 March 2022
Small Group
Panache Cafe
37 Warrego Highway
Chinchilla, Queensland 4413

Chinchilla Information Session:

Shell’s QGC business is proud of its Emerging Exporters Program which supports businesses to build export capability, explore global export markets and develop products for longer term opportunities abroad.

The program is delivered by TSBE Food Leaders Australia, the Food and Agribusiness arm of the Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE). The social investment program, supported by Shell’s joint venture partners Tokyo Gas and CNOOC, contributes to a strong and diverse economy within the Western Downs.

A series of information sessions will be held on the Emerging Exporters Program prior to calling for Expressions of Interest, which opens on March 28, 2022.

Who should attend?

Agribusinesses located in the Western Downs and Surat Basin that would like to:
- Develop domestic market opportunities with view to export
- Develop export capability and explore new global markets
- Develop an idea or concept with a view to build capacity for future export market development and longer term opportunities abroad

This program is for those looking to export in the short term, as well as those with a long term horizon but wanting to make the right choices now for the future.

Information sessions will include:

- Outline of the Emerging Exporters Program
- What you can expect from the Emerging Exporters Program - this program will help you decide if export is for you and support you to take the step to becoming export ready
- Call for Expressions of Interest

Light canapes and refreshments will be included with your free ticket, however, you must register your attendance for catering purposes.

Under the current Queensland Health directive, venues must adhere to the vaccine mandate to continue operating; therefore, we ask you to please advise your vaccination status during registration to ensure that you are not turned away upon entry to the venue.

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