PROTEIN Jobs Fair - School Program

10:00am Thursday, 16 September 2021
2:00pm Thursday, 16 September 2021
Dalby Events Centre
Nicholson St
Dalby , Queensland 4405

We invite you to connect your students with a career in Animal Agriculture at the inaugural PROTEIN Jobs Fair in Dalby on 16 September 2021.

Did you know that Agriculture underpins the Western Downs economy, being the second-largest employer? The region is home to nearly 25% of Queensland’s beef-producing properties and 42% of the nation’s feedlot capacity is located within a 200km radius from Dalby.

On this day, students will have the opportunity to interact closely with agriculture industry professionals while learning about their professional life, job opportunities, pathways into Agriculture, and the endless opportunities within the protein industry.

This event will provide students the ability to connect with employers directly, and discuss employment opportunities including entry-level jobs, graduate programs, traineeships, and apprenticeships.

What will be at the Jobs Fair?

  • Trade Stalls
  • Career Conversations (Interactive Interview Sessions)
  • Career Snapshots (Speaker Sessions)
  • Food Trucks


  • Students should be prepared to meet potential employers.
  • Students should bring their up-to-date resumes.

Price: This is free to attend, but registrations are essential 

COVIDSafe event requirements:

We ask that if you are not feeling well or are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms to NOT attend this event. 

You should not enter the event if in the previous 14 days you have:

  • returned to Australia from overseas
  • been in close contact with an active COVID-19 case
  • been in a Queensland declared COVID-19 hotspot, place of concern, or exposure venue, as defined by the Chief Health Officer
  • had a fever, cough, sore throat, headache, distorted sense of taste, shortness of breath, chills, vomiting, or any cold/flu like symptoms in the last 72 hours





Sold Out

Additional Information

Thank you to our event partners: