Queensland Agworkforce Summit

5:00pm Tuesday, 22 February 2022
5:00pm Thursday, 24 February 2022
Empire Theater
Neil street
Toowoomba, Queensland 4350

The Queensland Agworkforce Summit aims to bring together agribusinesses to discuss workforce issues and strategies to ensure that the industry has a sustainable workforce in the next five years.

ATTENTION: Agribusinesses across Queensland; business owners, CEO’s, Operations Managers, Human Resource Managers and Business Managers who are looking to innovate, attract, train and retain the current and future generation of people in their business are invited to attend this two-day event with a Welcome Function the day before.

The future growth and market opportunities for Queensland Agriculture are dependent on a highly trained and skilled workforce. 

We invite agribusiness professionals to this event to collaborate, learn and share experiences that will help the industry and agribusinesses have a sustainable workforce that their business needs to grow.

It is a great opportunity to network and learn about innovative strategies that have worked in attracting, retaining and skilling the workforce. 

The discussion will take place across these four main themes:


What this Conference will include:

TSBE Member & Non-member Price: $300


COVIDSafe event requirements:

We ask that if you are not feeling well or are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms to NOT attend this event.

You may receive a full refund if you cannot attend for this reason. 

This includes staying home if unwell or have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath.

We ask that attendees maintain physical distancing requirements at all times throughout this event - this is the individual's responsibility. 

Only registered attendees may enter this event and must remain 1.5 metres from other attendees at entry and exit points.

If you require assistance or are unwell at any time throughout the event, please locate security, TSBE staff or venue staff immediately.





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