QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane in Toowoomba for TSBE Enterprise Evening
BUSINESS LEADERS and residents are invited to the upcoming Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise Toowoomba Enterprise Evening to hear from Queensland Resources Council Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane on September 7.
Mr Macfarlane said in 2015/16 the natural resource industry contributed $1.6 billion to the Toowoomba economy, supported more than 8,000 full-time jobs and spent $794 million with local businesses, suppliers and community organisations.
“The resources industry will continue to underpin the success of the Toowoomba economy and the wider Darling Downs region through CSG co-existence models, contract opportunities with Adani and other companies and the huge boost to confidence if New Acland is approved,” Mr Macfarlane said.
“The Queensland resources sector remains a tremendous good news story with a strong, ongoing operational future, with our coal and gas sectors well-placed to supply an energy-hungry Asia which is still on a course of rapid modernisation.”
“Every Queenslander, regardless of where they call home, has a vested interest in seeing our minerals and energy industries succeed and grow.”
As well as QRC Chief Executive, Mr Macfarlane is a non-executive director of Woodside Petroleum, the Chairman of the Innovative Manufacturing Co-operative Research Centre and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Mr Macfarlane was elected to Federal Parliament as the Member for Groom in October 1998 and is Australia’s longest serving Federal Resources and Energy Minister and the Coalition’s longest serving Federal Industry and Innovation Minister, with over 14 years of experience in both Cabinet and shadow ministerial positions. He retired from the Federal Parliament in May 2016.
TSBE executive chairman Shane Charles said Enterprise Evenings were an opportunity to learn about key opportunities in the region and network with wider industry representatives.
The Enterprise Evening will be held on September 7 at the Armitage Centre, Neil St, Toowoomba from 5.30pm-8.30pm.
Cost is $55 for members or $95 for non-members.
To book visit https://www.tsbe.com.au/events/september-enterprise-evening