TSRC Viaduct

Surat Basin News: Recent project announcements; Supply chain team to attend AccessChina'16; TSBE App reminder; The art of getting paid as a subcontractor

For your procurement team:
As flagged last newsletter a number of significant renewable project announcements were pending for our Region through September and October. If you are a bronze or above supply chain member please forward your key contact information to [email protected], as we have 2 solar projects (Oakey & Dalby) and a windfarm (near Bell). In addition, factsheets will be available on our website shortly and our TSBE monthly events will showcase the projects.

For business owners interested in the Second Range Crossing project:
The Nexus Delivery team have released a helpful interactive map of the project http://nexustsrc.com.au/interactive-map/#12/-27.5600/151.9385
You can use the map to see where the TSRC is being built and how the TSRC will tie-into our local roads with intersection upgrades and bridges.

Searching for a Grand Final winner or other latest news?
The TSBE APP for mobiles is available to members at no cost. It won’t tell you the footy scores – sorry - or even predict the weather, but it’s loaded with new contractor announcements, news and also some photos from TSBE events. Contact [email protected] to get the link to download.

Are TSBE’s Supply Chain team going to China on our AccessChina’16 Business delegation?
Lance and I are getting asked all the time from members and YES we are. Visiting the world’s busiest trading port and the world’s fourth largest steel producer will be a part of the program for our cohort of energy, resources and manufacturing businesses.

Getting paid as a sub-contractor – better trading terms from your contractor.
We can assist with introductory information on invoice financing to shorten the time it takes you to get paid, and free up cash.

Did you see the BOOM Feature by the Chronicle in September?
The document details Toowoomba's Development and Growth. Check out the digital version at the following link: http://www.thechronicle.com.au/digital-edition/boom/