Toowoomba's Development Surge: A $20.7 Billion Outlook in TSBE’s 2024 Development Status Report

Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE) are pleased to release the 2024 Toowoomba Development Status Report (DSR), in consultation with Toowoomba Regional Council.

The DSR, which TSBE undertakes biennially, is now in its seventh edition. The report provides valuable information on the Toowoomba Region pipeline of work. This guides strategic planning and decision making of businesses, investors, policy makers, and the community.

The report highlights the substantial investment in the region over the last two years and looks ahead to what’s in the pipeline. Developments listed are those valued at more than $1 million.

The 2024 DSR has identified a whopping $20.7 billion worth of work under various stages of development.

This is a 10.1% increase on the 2022 reported investment of $18.8 billion and highlights the confidence that both the private and public sector have in the future of the Toowoomba Region.

“It is exciting to know there is such a huge volume of development underway in the Toowoomba Region. Investment confidence is vital for our ongoing development and prosperity,” said April Cavanagh, TSBE CEO.

“We know every dollar invested actually goes around town three times over, so a development spend of this volume has a huge impact.”

Barry O’Sullivan, Director of Toowoomba civil and commercial construction firm Newlands Group says understanding the volume of work in the market is critical.

“We employ 120 locals, and we take that very seriously. Local people working on local projects benefits the entire town.”

Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor, Geoff McDonald says the region is poised to seize a new era of growth.  

“This latest TSBE Development Status Report highlights the astounding breadth of private and public sector investment. We can build on our enviable reputation for steady, consistent growth, which makes us an attractive and secure investment destination.”

Building enabling infrastructure helps attract investors, workers and new businesses. Overlayed with major nation building infrastructure like Inland Rail coming to town, we are well on our way to establishing our position as one of the most dynamic and diverse regional economies in Queensland and Australia.

To get involved in Toowoomba’s pipeline of opportunity contact Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE).