What is the TSBE Exchange portal?
The TSBE Energy and Infrastructure team have launched a member to member portal through EconomX. This particular portal will allow the opportunity for member to member procurement, and member notification of potential supply/procurement opportunities outside of the TSBE Group. The platform has been refined by the TSBE team and was originally created through fellow TSBE Members Ben Hughes (Hughes et al) and Chris Mills (Strategenics) to create more awareness around local content.
Member to Member Procurement can be for a wide variety of business needs, including but not limited to: Vehicle Lease or Purchase, Building or Construction or Professional Services.
Why should I join?
Our strategy has been to work with the team at EconomX to increase the level of information available to our members, and to make it easier for members to interact with TSBE staff around opportunity.
This platform is complimentary for all TSBE members and has proven effective in finding the right suppliers for small, medium and large projects around our region.
Follow the steps below to get started https://my.economx.com/#/register (ABN required)