Boosting construction skills in the region
A series of capability building workshops have been recently rolled out for businesses in the building and construction industry across the region.
Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE) teamed up with Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) to deliver these successful workshops designed to update skills and knowledge on topics essential to operations.
The workshops presenters have on the ground experience in these topics and a strong portfolio in construction and major projects providing a unique opportunity to gain firsthand information from buyers inside of projects.
One of the speakers, Gordon Grover, Director - Projects & Developments of Specialised Property Consulting said that, “the program is tailored specifically for people in the construction industry and delivered by people who currently work in the roles and subjects they are presenting.”
“It’s an opportunity to upskill, to re-visit and learn from the presenters who have some significant practical and hands on experience with these things,” said Mr Grover.
The participants gained great insight and value from attending the workshops.
Nick King of Intura in Chinchilla commented that the workshops delivered relevant content from experienced industry experts who were more than happy to field questions.
“Our team took away some great learnings and I’d recommend attendance to anyone looking re-focus on best practice,” said Mr King.
Another participant, Stuart Bougoure, Managing Director of Allied Energy said, “the workshop was great to reflect on our current business operations and the experienced industry speakers were more than happy to answer any questions and provide feedback,” said Mr Bougoure.
Laurell Ison of Ison Contracting said, “we attended this workshop in Chinchilla and would recommend it to any small business as it was a well-run workshop in a relaxed setting that encouraged attendees participation.”
“The speakers had great knowledge of the topics covered and we have already applied some of our learnings to a recent tender submission,” said Ms Ison.
CSQ CEO Brett Schimming, said, “CSQ recognises that small businesses are the backbone of the Queensland building and construction industry.”
“They create jobs, employ apprentices and trainees, provide a supply chain of skilled workers to meet the demands of larger projects and generally support economic growth and regional development,” said Mr Schimming.
“Given the vital role that these businesses play, CSQ’s Small Business Program aims to increase the capability and capacity of small construction businesses through training and support in order to assist these businesses to help them to grow, survive and prosper.”
“This program is assisting CSQ to partner with organisations specialising in small business support initiatives specifically targeted to the Queensland building and construction industry to target specific areas of need identified for these businesses.”
The final workshop of the series is on Wednesday, September 16 in Pittsworth and please contact [email protected] to register for this session.