Media Release: Australia’s largest feedlot home in our region
Attendees of the Protein 2020 Conference will be given the amazing opportunity to view the largest and most technological advance feedlot in Australia.
The Protein 2020 Conference, run by TSBE Food Leaders Australia, will feature a day tour at Mort & Co’s Grassdale feedlot near Dalby, following the completion of their recent expansion.
The extension has now taken one-time operating capacity to 70,000 Standard Cattle Units, making the yard the largest in Australia.
Grassdale Feedlot currently feeds a wide range of market segments, from longfed Wagyu programs to shortfed and mid-fed export, and yearling domestic grainfed cattle.
Mort & Co General Manager Feedlots & Farms, Scott Braund, said the facility has now increased staff numbers to more than 100-full time operational staff now working on site, to keep up with the large cattle numbers.
“Because Standard Cattle Unit regulatory measurements are based on a standard 600kg animal, it means the yard can comfortably hold 75,000 head, when lighter weights in some cattle are factored in,” Mr Braund said.
“Annual turnoff is likely to be upwards of 200,000 head of cattle.”
A new fertiliser pellet manufacturing facility is being currently constructed at the site, which will be delivered in the first half of this year.
In an Australian first, the technology will convert 60,000 tonnes of manure into high-value granulated fertiliser pellets each year.
Mort & Co also has its own gas-fired power plant, a move that will allow the yard to meet its individual power requirements and become a net exporter of power back into the grid.
Western Downs Regional Council Chief Executive Officer, Ross Musgrove, said the Protein 2020 Conference as well as the site tour will highlight the significant growth in the intensive agriculture sector, across the region.
“Intensive agriculture is a valuable part of the Western Downs and a major contributor to the region's strong, diverse economy,” Mr Musgrove said.
“The sector has experienced significant growth in the past decade and will continue to be a key player in the region in terms of investment opportunity and economic prosperity.”
The Protein 2020 Conference will be held at Dalby Events Centre on 4 March, discussing the future needs and availability of water for our intensive animal industries, the threats and opportunities of African Swine Fever, industry updates and key investments and the brightest new innovation assisting our protein sectors.
Protein 2020 Conference will be followed by the Mort & Co’s Grassdale feedlot tour on 5 March. For tickets please see the TSBE website.