Gladstone Engineering Alliance

Gladstone Engineering Alliance

About Us

Gladstone Engineering Alliance (GEA) is a membership based organisation, which services manufacturing, engineering and service companies active in regional, national and some international markets in coal, steel, mineral processing, transportation and major resource projects.

GEA is responsive to the needs of industry in the region and works with the public and private sector at all levels to offer a supplier service focused on the acquisition of goods, services or works from Member organisations.

GEA collectively works with stakeholders to deliver quality programs previously out of reach of smaller enterprises. A not for profit corporation, GEA serve over 200 member companies and is self-funded through membership, business development programs and managed functions.


GEA facilitates a wide range of projects and initiatives across the region and is proactive in providing relevant advice, statistical information, workshops and networking opportunities to support small to medium business, industry and government. A proactive organisation, GEA is dedicated to:

  • Encouraging business development, innovation and capacity
  • Providing information and communications to develop skills and knowledge
  • Enhancing workforce development and higher skills learning
  • Advocating for sustainable regional and economic growth
  • Proactively represent, support and promote the capability, competitiveness and interests of GEA members.
  • Sourcing work opportunities and education on supplier expectations

Be part of a Proactive and Innovative Network