Morpheus Energy Services
Morpheus Energy Services
SilverAbout Us
Morpheus Energy was founded to introduce the best technical solutions in the oilfield service market to Australia. The team identified that the Australian market has been stable following a rapid ramp up between 2008-2014, opening an opportunity to improve on current designs through the integration of technical solutions, focused on improving productivity and safety outcomes.
Through the combined experiences at Morpheus, we listened to the executives of energy companies and their visions to improve on market innovation and quality within the well servicing sector.
We understand that you need to focus on continuous and reliable operations to make sure you achieve your production outcomes.
But in order to really be successful, you need to also maintain tight cost and risk controls, automate where possible, and improve safety and compliance. That's why we have partnered with the best in the business, to bring the very best of well servicing technology and support services into Australia.
Our solutions and services provides
· Semi to Fully automated well servicing
· Removes unfavourable outcomes through automation
· Optimizing well costs through data analytics
· Reduces the requirement for third party rentals, such as snubbing services
· Solution based expertise, with in house specialists, for unique challenges such as well control, hazard elimination, design improvements and specialty equipment